Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Steve for President in 2012

I'm back from Disney!  We had a great time, but I'm SO happy to be home!  It had been almost a week since I saw the kids and this morning when I got Will out of bed he kept hugging me and saying "MAMA!" It was the best welcome home I possibly could have gotten.  Steve was also reasonably happy to see me :)

One of the highlights of our trip was seeing this guy in the airport:

In case you're not a 12 year old girl, that's Robert Pattinson, the star of the Twilight movies.  Of course, our students were going berserk. He was kind of a jerk, and wouldn't confirm that it was actually him, but it obviously was because he didn't deny it.  Plus, I would assert that you aren't a big enough celebrity to be a jerk if you have to fly commercial. You need a private plane before you get to be mean.  The other thing was that he seemed irritated that the kids noticed him, but in all honesty, he looked JUST LIKE Edward.  I mean, obviously he looks like Edward since he plays him in the movies, but he was dressed just like the character and needed a spraytan in a fierce way.  He should stop dressing like a vampire and just wear a baseball cap and his life would be MUCH easier. I should write a book on how to be a celebrity, because I think I would be better at it than Robert Pattinson was at the Orlando airport.

On an aside, my husband should run for president in 2012.  The man could have solved the nation's fiscal issues, the social security crisis and calmed Libya and Egypt with the level of intellect and logistics that it took for him arrange to never have to cook dinner while I was away.  Of the 6 nights that I was away for dinner, Steve cooked for one of them.  His meal of choice:

I would like to thank all our family and friends that came to his aid and fed him and Will.  Steve seemed rather proud of himself, and let's be honest, it is commendable that for 6 days all you had to cook was peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, yogurt, and one frozen pizza. It's impressive!

This week is going to be in true pantry raid style because I haven't gone grocery shopping and won't be going until Saturday.  I'm going to try to do some makeshift menus tomorrow & take some pictures of our updated, almost empty fridge & cupboards. In the meantime, I am catching up on a week's worth of reality tv.  Bye bye Disney, Hello Bethenny Ever After and Amazing Race! What I won't be watching: Twilight.

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