One of my least proud parental moments involves Dunkin Donuts. We have one in our ShopRite and Will always goes grocery shopping with me on Sunday mornings, and in order to get through the trip, I buy him a donut. This became a whole thing when I realized that every time Will saw a Dunkin Donuts store, coffee cup, bag, etc. etc. he would point at it and shout "that! That! THAAAT!" at the top of his lungs, letting everyone in a 10 mile radius know that he knew the Dunkin logo. I've never been prouder of myself as a parent (can you read the sarcasm?!?). Well, I've actually been proud of the fact that he knew DD and not McDonald's, but it seems that time has come to an end.
Today after work I had meetings for prom locations with my class council and then on the way home I stopped for McDonalds. Steve and Will were eating lasagna I made while I was home today (our babysitter was sick - feel better Joni!) for dinner, so I knew they were taken care of. Well, I got home and Will pointed right at the McDonald's bag and said "I want THAT." How he knows that McDonald's is delicious, I do not know. He's had it maybe twice in his entire life and both times he rejected it (an obvious
Dipping the chicken in sweet & sour sauce (clearly the best nugget dip)
Shoveling the food in:
Not my proudest moment. So, just when you think you're feeding your family as many fresh, organic, whole grain, whole foods, McDonald's jumps up and steals your thunder. Sigh. Tomorrow he's going to eat a vegetable if it kills me, and that vegetable will NOT be genetically modified potatoes. Mother of the Year!
hope you enjoy omnivore's dilemma!