Wednesday, March 30, 2011

"Moe" Money, "Mo" Problems

While we are officially over the stomach flu, I have been totally slacking when it comes to cooking this week.  I'm just not hungry, and seeing as I spent all last weekend barfing (sorry to be so descriptive), I decided not to push it.  For the last couple days we ate leftovers, and then today I just had a 100% crap-tastic day.  I'm trying really hard not to make this blog a forum for complaining, so I'll just say that it was super frustrating, and then after work I had a meeting until 4:30, and I wasn't going to be home until 5 which means that we wouldn't eat until 6ish, and that's too late when your toddler and infant go to bed at 7pm at the latest.  I also woke up STARVING and I ate voraciously all day, so tonight was really a perfect storm.
We cheated.  So sue me.  On the way home from work I guilted Steve into letting me pick up takeout, and while I love Chick-fil-a more than I love life itself (mmm...Southwest Chargrilled Salad), I decided to stop at Moe's, which to be honest is like Chipotle, but not as good.  Still, since the nearest Chipotle is over 30 minutes away, Moe's does the job in a pinch.  Will had a chicken taco (which he actually consumed - shocker!), Steve and I had a burrito, we all had way too many chips and salsa, and I let out all my complaints and Steve listened and offered suggestions.  It was actually a really nice dinner.  Not so much the genetically modified, antibiotic injected chicken burrito, but more the conversation.

The "Mo" part of this post comes from the fact that finally, after 27 months of life, Will has learned to say the word "no."  Only it comes out as "mo." For the first week, his use of the word "no" was really cute.  Not so much anymore, but he also learned the word "gross" which I find pretty funny, so they balance themselves out.

On the Emma front, she recently celebrated her 9 month birthday:

I took pictures of Will on his monthly "birthday" for the first year, and then we bought a 12 opening frame and put them all in, in order. I would encourage every new mom to do this.  It is so neat to look at their whole year in a glance, especially because when you're "in" the first year, you're so tired and overwhelmed alot of the time you forget to reflect. I also think its cool to see how when they are a year old, they still kind of look like they did when they were a newborn. Will's is hanging in the playroom and we already bought the same frame for Emma and we'll put hers up around her first birthday.

I promise I'll be back cooking tomorrow. I'm making one of our favorites, tortilla soup, and I promise to share the recipe!

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